Tuesday 16 August 2011

Short Story- Game Over

Hi guys, This short story here is one of the first I ever finished. It's not one of my favourites but, most of my favourites I haven't actually finished yet! So enjoy this rather tragic story...and feel free to comment..
Love GeorgiaMay x 
Chapter 1

I don't know whose fault she thought it was, but it definitely wasn't mine, I had absolutely nothing to do with Hermione Limestone's death. I didn't even touch her, I was just 'there' when it happened. One minute Emily was there in front of me. The next she was gone. Perhaps if I'd have moved a bit faster, I could have stopped it. Prevented the whole thing from ever happening and then none of this would be happening. But I didn't. And so it did happen, and so is everything else that is following the incident. They never found her body. But everyone knows it's impossible for her to still be alive anyway. What with the water being so cold now that we're in November.

I stared out the window at the soft, white blanket which was spread across the grass. It looked so smooth, except for a line of tiny pawprints that went from the back door of my house up to a tree and then dissapeared. I sighed and held my face in my hands. I'd give anything to go back to that day and change it all. Of course, I knew I couldn't but I couldn't help wishing all the same. My eyes pricked with fresh tears as I thought back to the day the nightmare had begun....

Don't be stupid Carly! Mahogany is definitely not bread, it's wood!” Sylvia cried in exasperation as we all burst into laughter.
Really? I thought Mahogany was bread.” Carly replied looking bewildered.
Oh lord. Gwen tell her!” Sylvia turned to me for help.
I sighed and turned to Carly
Carly, Mahogany is wood. I promise you, we're not lying.” I told her.
You really are funny sometimes Carl.” My twin sister, Isabella, giggled. We all grinned.
But, that's what makes you so special.” Sylvia assured Carly.
We all nodded in agreement and then walked in silence for a minute as we added this occasion to the book of 'Carly's blonde moments' in our heads. We all stopped dead as we heard a long cry come from ahead of us.
What's that?” Asked Isabella, looking round at us frowning. Nobody said anything, we just looking around at each other mentally trying to decide what to do, waiting for somebody to speak up and decide.

In the end it was I that suggested we should take a look and see if someone up ahead was in need of help, so we made our way towards the direction of the scream. After what seemed like a lifetime of walking I could just make out five figures up ahead. I broke into a run as I squinted and noticed that all four figures were standing very close to a cliff edge. I heard the others call from behind me as they tried to catch up. But I was faster then them as I sprinted to the gang on the cliff edge. I recognized them all. It was Amy, Hermione, Kara and Maria from our form at school.

Hermione seemed to be the closest to the edge, her arms held out in front of her, as if trying to keep the others away. Every so often she'd quickly glance behind her, checking that she was in no danger of going over the edge. Which of course, she was.
What are you doing?” I asked, my voice shaking. Amy slowly turned her head and I saw her glower at me. As she turned to face my fully I heard footsteps behind me and out of the corner of my eyes I could make out Carly, Isabella and Sylvia. They'd finally caught up.

Don't come any closer or you'll regret it!” Amy cried. Whilst Amy's back was turned Hermione grabbed the chance to edge away from the edge and back to safety but the rocks from underneath her were cracking.
Stop! The cliff is breaking!” I ran towards Hermione, planning on grabbing her before the cliff edge collapsed and pulled her with it but Amy, Kara and Maria all ran at me at once colliding and knocking me over. I felt hands on me, trying to pull me up and I caught a glimpse of Isabella on her knees next to me. But before I could say or do anything Carly screamed. I lifted my head and pushed myself up to see Carly pointing to the cliff edge wich was crumbling away at an alarming pace. I jumped up and made my way to grab Hermione but Sylvia held my arms and pulled me back.
'No! Look, the cliff is collapsing. If you go any further you'll be killed!' She said in my ear over all the noise.
'No, let me go!' I screamed as loudly as I could. I didn't care that it caught in my throat and scratched at it. I just wanted to help. I struggled against Sylvia just as I heard the worst cry yet. I froze and looked up, my eyes wide and witnessed Hermione lose her footing and dissapear over the edge of the cliff. Nobody moved and nobody uttered a word. We all just stood there before Amy, Kara and Maria scrambled up and all ran as fast as they could. I watched them until I could no longer see them before turning back to the cliff edge. Sylvia had finally let go of me and they were all standing before me, their faces filled with shock and fear. I stared at them all before the earth started spinning and then everything went black .They didn't reach me in time and the last thing I remember was hitting the cold, wet grass.

Chapter 2

I opened my eyes and saw three figures all standing around me. I appeared to be lying on my back and as my eyes came into focus I saw that it was Isabella, Carly and Sylvia standing around my bed. They all had very pink and bloodshot eyes. Isabella was gripping my hand. She smiled weakly when she saw I was awake.
Hey.” She whispered.
Hi.” I croaked out. My throat hurt.
You okay?” Sylvia asked. I nodded but said nothing.
Well, that's good.” Sylvia said and they all nodded. I looked at them all but couldn't find the words. Opening and closing my mouth trying to figure out how to put it, but somehow they understood what I was trying to say.
They couldn't find her body, so they're saying that she drowned.” Carly said gently. I just shook my head. I couldn't think of anything to say. My heart hurt and as I closed my eyes I started to drift slowly to sleep . I heard muffled sniffing and then warm tears drip onto my hand. I had to squeeze my eyes tightly to stop myself from crying also. I lay very silently and still for a while, controlling my breathing and so gradually they left me alone to sleep.

I didn't say anything more for a very long time.

Chapter 3

The day I got out of hospital I had no idea what day it was, month or even year. I didn't say anything as my family drove me home or when my mother asked me if I'd like anything specific for tea. When we finally pulled into our drive I just got out the car and dragged my small bag of clothes inside where I then locked myself in my room and begun to cry in private. There was a part of me that felt I could have helped more that day. And that part of me was getting stronger by the day and I wasn't sure I'd be able to handle it. It hadn't even been an hour before I got sick of being stuck indoors. I had to get out of the house.I grabbed my coat and pulled on my gloves, I left a note on the table by the door explaining I'd gone for a walk, and then I opened the front door and stepped out into the cold. I didn't know where I was going. I just knew that I had to go somewhere.

I had just turned the corner of my street when suddenly I felt someone grab me. I opened my mouth to scream but nothing came out. I was dragged down an empty backalley and shoved against a wall. I lifted my head to see Amy.
Listen to me. If you tell anyone about what happened at the cliff's, you're dead! Do you understand?” she hissed.
I nodded silently. I knew I should be scared but I felt nothing.
Good.” She gave me a swift kick in the knee and as I buckled and collapsed, she dissapeard and I was alone again.

That threat had happened two weeks ago and I still haven't spoken a word since the nightmare on the cliffs. I know that my friends and family were scared for me but it just didn't feel right to speak. And now I would never have to speak again if I wanted.

I lifted my head and breathed in deeply. The cold air dragged up my nostrils as I took my last few breaths of it. From my point of view, after this there would be more oxygen for people who deserved it. I was not one of those people. My hair blew wildly around my face and I turned to face the sea. I'd left a note for my family so I wouldn't have to worry about them not knowing where I am.

I was happy. I held my arms out and felt my weight dissapear. I breathed in the cool, seaside air and my hair whipped around my face and my ears were numb from the wind but despite all this and I shivered slightly, I smiled and laughed softly. When I looked down I could see the sea crashing against the rocks splashing at me as if trying to pull me in. When I looked up, I saw the clouds covering up the blue sky, as if to say I don't belong up there. I belong down there. In the sea. From behind me I heard a shout of alarm. I turned slowly, careful not to slip on any loose rocks. There was someone standing over on the other side of the road and had noticed me. I cursed. I had wanted this to be quiet, peaceful, not rushed. But instead I was forced to do it quickly. The person was crossing the road now, getting closer. I pulled off my thick jumper and dropped it at my feet. I bent down and unstrapped my old, worn-in sandles that I had had for over three years now. I kicked them off and pulled my socks off, dropping both my sandles and socks on top of my jumper. The person had broken into a sprint, but even I knew they wouldn't make it in time. I turned slowly to the edge of the cliff and held my head up to the sky then I put one foot over the side and leaned forward. I let myself drop, and I heard the person scream. It was Isabella and I closed my eyes as I felt my heart break. I hadn't wanted her to have to see this.I fell and fell and It felt as if I would never hit the bottom. And then I did. It was freezing, like ice. I gasped in deep breaths of air and thought of my family and friends and realized that I would never see them again. My tears mixed with the cold sea water as I felt my body become heavy, like I had turned to lead.
I closed my eyes and let myself drift. My heart swelled up and burst as my lungs did the same. They were on fire but I didn't notice. Finally all the pain and doubts that had been hanging over and haunting me for weeks had dissapeared. I closed my eyes and smiled. I stopped crying. I had paid the debt for not saving Hermione. Finally I was at peace.


Greetings to all readers and writers!

Hello and greetings!
I thought, before I start posting my books, I would write a 'greeting' message! So here it is, and I hope you have all had a brilliant day! I hope you enjoy to read this blog from now on...
So I give you the grand opening of the blog, 'Once Upon A Time..' !!

Let your imaginations run wild everyone and don't listen to what anyone else has to say about it! It's your imagination and you may do with it as you please!
Happy imagining everyone!
Love GeorgiaMay x