Friday 20 April 2012

Picture hunt....Complete!

Hey! I finally changed the display picture to one I like! I made and took it myself..Not bad, eh? I am pretty proud....

P.S. The new blogger layout confuses me...Just sayin'..

Monday 16 April 2012

Picture hunt....

Trying to find a new profile picture..and it's proving to be quite difficult. I'm having a hard time finding a picture that is actually suitable for this blog. I think it may take me longer than one night to find one...

Also, I like writing in's different. And kinda funky! May stick with it...anyway, night for now! Or as the French would say, Au revoir! x

Jasper And Summer. 16.4.12

Chapter 1

I have broken my alarm clock. That was the first thought to pass through my mind as I lay in bed, staring groggily at the ceiling at precisely 7:28 in the morning. Yesterday was Saturday, but unfortunately that hadn’t occurred to me last night whilst I was setting my alarm clock for the usual weekday time. I cursed my own foolishness as I stretched slowly. Still lying face down on the bed, I reached out an arm and felt around on the floor looking for the clock. I had no desire to have to get up but after five minutes of blindly feeling around I gave up and pushed myself away from the comfort and warmth of my bed. With my eyesight fuzzy, I stumbled around the room until my toe stubbed against something cold and hard. I yelped and rubbed my eyes roughly until I was able to see clearly. I had kicked my alarm clock, which was lying on the floor with no back, no batteries and the glass from the front had dropped out. I picked it up and threw it onto the bed and then set about finding the batteries that had fallen out due to me thrusting it to the other side of the room causing not only the alarm to turn off, but also the whole clock itself.
By half past eight I was showered, dressed and packing my bag all ready for the day ahead. From the age of eight I had always been fascinated by dancing. The fantastic shapes, balances and poses. They intrigued me and I always knew that when I grew up I wanted to dance. But it wasn’t just any old dance that I loved. It was ballet that inspired me most. I had fallen in love with the way the dancers could glide across the stage and fly through the air with such elegance it could bring tears to your eyes. So on my ninth birthday I was taken to ballet lessons and began learning the secret to beautiful Ballet. And now, 19 years later I have dedicated myself to passing on the secrets I have learnt to children who remind me of myself when I was that young. I teach kids from the age of 6 all the way up to 20, at the local ballet class in town. There is no better feeling than watching someone work towards and achieve their dream. 
Glancing at the clock on my kitchen wall I saw that it was still only ten to nine. My shoulders slumped before standing up and wandering absently over to the mirror. I started brushing my scraggly hair. I had to admit it was a bit of a mess. I gave up and just pulled it back into a tight ponytail, threw the brush down on the table and picked up my keys and my old, black dance bag which I had been using for over ten years now. I had had enough of just pottering around, so I slipped on my shoes, slung my bag over my shoulder and slammed the front door on my way out.
I wasn’t too sure where I was heading until I realized I was on the route to the park that was on the outskirts of town. The world was exceptionally pretty this time of day. The sun painted the sky a mixture of bright oranges, reds, pinks and yellows, like an abstract collage. From the treetops birds chirped and sang their songs. The tree’s shadows stretched along the floor not making them look menacing but fascinating. I wiped the dew drops off of a wooden bench and sat down. There was nobody else in the park and it was incredibly peaceful. I leaned back and closed my eyes, breathing in the fresh morning air and taking in all the noises of daybreak. I stayed like that, my body calm and resting until I suddenly opened my eyes to find on the other side of the park sitting underneath a tall willow tree was a young girl with hair the colour of fiery flames and pale white skin. She too was staring at the sky which was not all too different a colour from her hair. Her knees were tucked in tight to her chest and the jeans she wore clung to her legs, showing off curves in all the right places. Suddenly her head turned to face me and I blushed and quickly turned away. My heart was pounding in my chest. I slowly peeked back at her. She was still staring, the wind tugging and playing with her hair, blowing around her face. It looked like she had a head of fire. My heart ached with a need which I could only understand as longing. I couldn’t understand what was happening to me. I was 23 and I should not be feeling like this around a young and innocent looking girl! But she was still staring at me and so I lifted my head and stared her back straight into her eyes. For a minute she looked startled but then her expression softened and her lips pulled up into a small, sweet smile. At the moment, to me, she was perfect. My heart started fluttering as if it were trying to break free of my chest. I had never felt like this before.  
Chapter 2


I am certain that I am turning nocturnal! Last night I think I slept a whole three and half hours. Which is why I was up and about at half seven on a Sunday morning, much to my disgust. In my pyjama’s I sat on my bedroom window ledge and pulled back the blinds to reveal the morning light. Down, in my garden I saw my cat yawn and stretch, readying herself for the day ahead, which is, I decided what I should do too. So I followed the example of my cat and left the comfort of my room to shower and get dressed. Whilst in the shower I began thinking of the day ahead. This was the day I had been so looking forward to all week, yet dreading. This is the day that I start at my new dance group. My knees started to tremble and my insides turned to jelly as I thought of what was to come. Slowly, I took in a deep breath and let it out. Tilting my head back, I let the water roll down my cheeks, down my neck and onto my shoulders. Closing my eyes, I relaxed into the soothing feeling of the comfort of the water as it caressed my skin with its warmth, keeping me safe.

Feeling refreshed from my shower, I padded back into my room, wrapped in a large, fluffy towel. In my room, I rooted through my closet and pulled out a pair of my regular looking jeans. Pulling them on I realized that I had forgotten that they had become quite tight. However, I could still breathe in them and they weren’t uncomfortable, and then looking in the mirror I found that they made me look really good-looking! I smiled and pulled on a tight black vest and long-sleeved plaid shirt on top. Glancing at my clock I saw that it was still only half eight. My stomach lurched as I realized that in less than three hours I would be dancing. I shook my head and hoped that the thought would also be shaken from my mind as I snatched up my dance bag which had already been packed and ready for this day since last week.

Downstairs I wrote a note to my parents explaining I had left early for my dance group before grabbing a cereal bar and quietly creeping out the door, closing it gently behind me. Once outside I pulled my dance bag over my shoulder and began to stroll absently away from my home. Munching on my cereal bar, I stared at the sky. It was so pretty. I was always in such a rush, I’d never had time to look at the sky or notice it but now I couldn’t seem to look at anything else. It filled me with such happiness and hope I’d never experienced before. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen and made my heart sing. I popped the last of my cereal bar in my mouth and screwed the wrapper up tightly before throwing it inside a well placed bin. I smiled and turned the corner and realized I was heading towards a park. I shrugged to myself and decided I would chill out under a tree for a while in the park. It wasn’t as if anyone would be there at the time of the morning anyway. Only mad people like me! I chuckled to myself at that thought but this was put to a sharp stop as I caught sight of someone sitting in the park on one of the benches. He was leaning back with his eyes closed slightly. I warily carried on towards a tree opposite him. There was something intriguing about him. Something that made me curious to find out more about him. There was something mysterious and almost forbidden about him. It embarrassed me but I couldn’t bring myself to stop staring at his face. He seemed peaceful and calm and beautiful, almost angelic. I settled myself under the tree without breaking my gaze at the man. Dropping my bag I crossed my legs and leant back against the hard, roughness of the tree.

It could have been a few minutes or a few hours, I didn’t know, when I eventually tore my gaze away from him. He was so beautiful my breath caught in my throat. Breathing deeply I stared back at the sky remembering back to a few minutes ago when I had been awed by the perfectness of it and now comparing it to the man I had  just seen. It was hard to make a decision as to which was most perfect. Without thinking I turned my head in his direction and saw that he had opened his eyes and was now staring straight over at me. I felt my eyes widen and my cheeks grow hot and I saw his face properly for the first time. Quick as a flash he turned away and I saw him bite his bottom lip. I felt my lips pull up into a small smile as I felt my heart begin to soar and flutter.

Now, I’d had the odd girl crush when I was younger like every other girl had, but this was different. It was stronger and had more meaning. This was serious. From where I was sitting I couldn’t tell how old he was but he definitely looked quite a bit older than me. He slowly looked back over and he saw I was still staring. All of a sudden a gust of wind came over and my hair was being blown around my face. I barely noticed. With a sudden burst of confidence the man lifted his head up and stared straight over at me. I was blown away. What could he possibly find of interest in me? But I banished that thought as quickly as it came. I smiled to myself and at that moment I made my decision. He was the most beautiful and perfect thing I had ever seen.  
Chapter 3

What is her name? Probably something pretty and unique. Something perfect. Because she is perfect. And she is still staring at me. What is puzzling though is what she could possibly find so interesting about me? Firstly, I am old. Secondly, I look boring. Thirdly, I look scruffy this morning. I looked down for a moment, staring absently at my shoes which were slightly worn. I had to control myself. Because this isn’t right, and I knew it. But when I looked up, the girl was gone and I felt my heart sink. I let out a sigh and shrugged.
‘Doesn’t matter anyway.’ I muttered to myself, although if I was trying to comfort myself it didn’t work. Shaking my head, I looked at my watch. It was 9:45. I cursed to myself. If I don’t get a move on I am going to be seriously late. So heaving myself up off the bench I began to make my way out of the park. The sky was very nearly a light, pale blue now with just a few wispy clouds stretched across it. Turning right out of the park gates, walking directly in front of me was her! I wouldn’t miss her anywhere with her fiery mop of hair. I froze and drew in a sharp intake of breath. My heart was threatening to burst free of my chest. Her back was too me and she was walking at a pace, as if she were late somewhere. But she was headed in my direction, so pulling myself together I began to walk briskly behind her. Keeping my distance I watched her feet, and before I knew it I was walking in step with her. We were walking identically. I allowed myself a moment to smile before looking up, in time to see a car screech round the corner at an alarming speed just as the girl stepped out into the road. She froze as she realized this car was heading straight to her and was showing no signs of slowing. I willed her to move, to get out of the way but she didn’t. She just stood there, paralyzed with shock. This was when my brain kicked in and I didn’t hesitate. Dropping my black dance bag onto the pavement, I jumped out into the road.
“Stop!” I cried at the top of my lungs, but the driver inside the car seemed more interested in the dreadful music he was pumping out. So now I found myself racing to the girl who now had her eyes squeezed shut and was muttering something to herself, under her breath.
“Move!” I shouted to her but she remained still. The car was picking up pace now and speeding towards us. I didn’t stop when I reached the girl, I grabbed hold of her waist and yanked her along with me, causing her to drop her bag in alarm. I didn’t focus on the floor, I was focusing on getting us out of the way before we were squashed flat but unfortunately, I forgot about the slight unevenness of the road and so whilst dragging the girl along my toe stubbed on a random piece gravel and I went flying, pulling her with me. She screamed out in my ear as we tumbled down and hit the floor. My elbow scraped along the floor and I cried out as pain shot up through my arm. But ignoring it, I grabbed hold of the girl around the waist and pulled her back with me and away from the danger of the car. She tucked her head into my chest as she shielded herself away from the danger and I held her close. I watched the car drive over her bag, trashing it and then watched the car race away, barely noticing what had just happened and how it may have ended if perhaps no one had been here to prevent it. I didn’t move until the car disappeared round the corner. Fortunately there was no one up and around at this time to stand and gawk at us. Slowly, I pulled her hand away from her face and she stopped clinging to my shirt. Wiping her face, she looked up at me and I saw her face properly for the first time. She had deep brown eyes with a hint of pale green. Her skin was clear except for the odd freckle on her cheekbone and her eyelashes we long and dark, but not caked in mascara like most girls. In fact this girl wore very little make-up at all. The tiniest bit of pink and perhaps a touch of clear mascara. Her nose was small and pointed and her two front teeth had the tiniest gap in the middle, but barely noticeable. Right now her hair hung around her face and loose strands were falling over her eyes. All in all, she was beautiful. I carefully brushed her hair away from her face and looked into her eyes.
“Are you okay?” I asked her gently, holding her at the top of her arms. She looked down quietly and for a moment said nothing, but then she looked up and smiled slightly.
“Yes,” she whispered. “I’m fine. Thank you for saving me, if it wasn’t for you, I’d probably be dead right now.” She let out a long sigh and I smiled at her.
“Now I’m almost definitely going to be late.” She murmured to herself, biting her lip. I frowned and stared at her.
“Excuse me for being nosey, but what exactly are you going to be late for? I noticed you were in quite a rush a moment ago.” I asked her.
“My new dance group. I’m joining today.” She sighed sadly and looked down. “Late on my first day. I’m going to look a joke!”  
I stared at her for a moment, thinking to myself. Then suddenly something clicked.
“Do you mean the ballet group? The one just a few streets from here?” I asked, my heart lifting and fluttering. What fate it would be, if we were to go to the same dance group. She looked up quickly, her eyes widening.
“Yes. Do you know of it then?”
I smiled at her and laughed quietly.
“Why, I don’t just know of it. I teach there!” I said, my smile stretching across my face. Her face lit up upon hearing this and her smile made my heart beat so fast it felt like I had a butterfly trapped in my chest, fighting to be freed.
“Oh, we could go together!” She said, excited, and then stopped and blushed. “I mean, if you wanted. You don’t have to. It’s completely up-”
I put my finger on her lips and she stopped talking and blushed an even deeper shade of red.
“I’d love it. I mean, I’d love us to go together.” I said, pulling her head up to look at me and I stared into her eyes. She took a deep breath and smiled. Her smile took my breath away. Checking my watch quickly I saw that it was now 10:09. We were late. Slowly I let go of her and told her not to move. I jogged to the other side of the road, snatching up her messed up bag and picked up my old bag from the pavement and then made my way back to her. She was now standing and was biting her thumbnail.
“Um...Sorry I couldn’t save your bag.” I told her, handing it to her. She opened it and sighed, before closing it and smiling.
“It’s okay. It’s only the bag that is wrecked. The stuff inside was protected by it.” She said, throwing the bag over her shoulder. We stepped off together and began to casually make our way down the deserted street. It then occurred to me that there was still one thing I hadn’t asked her which I’d been dying too ever since I’d laid eyes on her. I turned my head and looked at her.
“By the way, my name is Jasper.” I told her. “What’s your name?”
She looked at her feet for a moment and said nothing. Then she looked into my eyes and smiled.
“Summer.” She simply said. “My name is Summer.”

Chapter 4
What was it about him that intrigued me so much? If I was being honest I really didn’t know. From his faded trainers to his scruffy hair, to me it all looked perfect. It’s funny how a fraction of a second can change your life altogether. And imagine if I’d have decided not to come into this park at all. I would never have seen this man. It must be fate. I allowed myself a smile as I thought those last thoughts and as I stared over I saw the man glance down at his shoes and bite his lip for a second. At that moment it suddenly hit me what time it was. I hadn’t realized how long I had been sitting here for! I could barely bring myself to leave but if I didn’t I would most definitely be late to my first dance class and then I would look like an absolute idiot. Reluctantly, I pushed myself up and began to make my way slowly to the exit of the park. I allowed myself one last glance at the man, who was now staring absently at the tree I had been sitting under only moments before. My heart sunk slightly at the thought that I may never see him again, and a wave of sadness rushed over me as I felt an overwhelming rush of tears. I sniffed and took a deep breath as I turned and walked away, leaving him forever.

My mind was wandering slightly as I made my way down the deserted street. Everyone was, of course still in bed. Those who were sane, that is. I wasn’t sane and I knew it. Everyone constantly told me. Staring down at the cracks in the pavement I picked up my pace determined that I must arrive on time and make a good impression for my first day. This was vital. Rubbing my eyes as I walked, I let out a wide yawn. Opening my eyes I stepped off the pavement and into the road. Out of nowhere, suddenly a car came screeching round the corner. My head snapped up and I felt my body turn cold and the breath leave my lungs as I froze to the ground. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t even find the air to make a sound. My mind shut down and suddenly I couldn’t hear or notice a thing. My mind and body had gone numb. Somewhere far away I heard a shout, a cry, someone who feared for my wellbeing but I couldn’t reply to them. I couldn’t scream back at them to help me because my body wouldn’t let me. I was going to die. I was going to die before my life had even begun. All of a sudden something wrapped around my waist, pulling me out of my paralyzed state of mind and dragging me from the road and away from danger. My bag dropped my shoulder and onto the floor as I ran. Before I could react however, the person who had saved me from my death was falling and was pulling me down with them. My foot got caught on the back of theirs and I slipped and lost my balance and we hit the floor with a thud. The man next to me let out a shout of pain at the same time I winced as my hip scraped along the rough gravel as he wrapped his arms around my waist again and began to hoist me back onto the pavement. I let out pained cry and buried my face into his chest as I listened to the car driving further and further away. Not even noticing anything that had just occurred. When I could no longer hear the car the man gently pulled my hand away from my face and stared out me. I gasped slightly as I realized who had just saved my life. It was him. The perfect man from the park. And I was lying in his arms. His eyes were warm and welcoming and seemed to sparkle. He smiled gently and my heart fluttered inside me. He brushed my fringe which was drooping in front of my eyes and I felt my cheeks burst into flames.
“Are you okay?’
For a moment I looked down and considered the question. I had nearly just been squashed flat by a maniac driver who seemed to not know the difference between a public road and a racetrack and torn from this precious world forever, which in a sense should probably be considered quite a traumatic experience. But I was saved, and now lying in the arms of the most beautiful man in the world. So when I should be in shock from what had just happened I found that in fact, I had never felt happier. Looking up slowly, I smiled.
“Yes. I’m fine. Thank you for saving me, if it wasn’t for you, I’d probably be dead right now.”
However, my happiness was shattered when I realized that in fact I was now late for my first dance class. I’m going to look like a joke, I thought sadly to myself, sighing slightly.
“Excuse me for being nosey,” He paused for a second before continuing. “But what exactly are you going to be late for? I noticed you were in quite a rush a moment ago.”
“My new dance group. I’m joining today.” I bit my lip and stared down at the ground. “Late on my first day. I’m going to look a joke!” 
For a few minutes he said nothing and I looked up. His head was tilted to the right and he seemed to be considering something. Suddenly his eyes widened and he looked at me.
“You mean the ballet group?” He asked curiously. “The one a few streets from here?”
My breath caught in my throat as he asked this. Did he know of it? Maybe he taught there! Maybe this was meant to be! I had never particularly believed in fate and destiny, but right now I was starting to reconsider.
“Yes! Do you know of it?” I asked, my heart threatening to burst free of my chest. He smiled widely and I felt my knees weaken slightly.
“I don’t just know of it.” He said, his eyes twinkling in the sunlight. “I teach there!”
“Oh, we could go together!” I gasped in excitement, and then realized how ridiculous I sounded. “I mean, if you wanted. You don’t have to. It’s completely up-” But before I could finish he pressed his finger to my lips and I paused.
“I’d love it. I mean, I’d love us to go together.” He said smiling at me, he pulled my head up and stared into my eyes. I couldn’t resist smiling and I instantly felt my cheeks burn up. I bit my lip and he grinned even more. He had dimples. He glanced at his watch for a moment and tilted his head to the right again. Instantly, I could tell by his face expression that we were late. He stood up and told me to stay where I was and I watched his make his way to the middle of the road and pick up my now ruined dance bag. Ever so slowly I stood up and waited for him to join me at my side. He handed me my bag and looked down for a moment and then back up to meet my eyes.
“Uh...Sorry I couldn’t save your bag.” He said, as I opened the bag and stared at the contents. All in all nothing was trashed that badly. Luckily, the bag had protected its contents.
“It’s okay. It’s only the bag that is wrecked. The stuff inside was protected by it.” I told him, and swung the bag over my shoulder and we began to slowly stroll down the street. I bit my lip to stop myself smiling. Not so long ago I had thought this would be a normal day, with the exception of my new dance group. I certainly hadn’t expected this to happen. I’d never expected to fall in love. He turned his head to me and grinned.
“By the way, my name is Jasper.” He said. “What’s your name?”  
I looked down and for a moment focused on listening to my own breathing. After a while I couldn’t fight it any longer. I looked back up smiling widely. I had never felt this fantastic in my entire life.
“Summer.” I said to him, biting my lip slightly. “My name is Summer.”
For the first time in my life and also the last, I was definitely and irrevocably in love.
Chapter 5
As we were approached a large and magnificent looking building I felt my stomach start to churn. This was it. I swallowed hard and bit my lip. What if no-one liked me? What if I was cast out like a black sheep and I was just the sad little girl who liked to pretend she was good at dancing. The sad girl who turned up with the teacher on the first day. The stupid girl who nearly got knocked down and killed. We reached the tall wooden doors and Jasper placed a hand on the front and went to push it open.
“Wait.” I said quickly, grabbing onto his arm to stop him. He stared at me, his expression unreadable.
“What’s wrong?”
I took a deep breath and looked away before I spoke.
“What are people like here?” I stopped and thought hard about how to express my thoughts into words. “I mean, are the friendly? Or am I gonna stick out like a sore thumb here?”
Jasper’s arm dropped from the door and placed his hand on my shoulder.
“Everyone here is just lovely. Believe me, if they weren’t than I wouldn’t be here.” He smiled at me. It was the cutest thing ever! “So, please don’t worry”
I nodded and took a deep breath.
“Okay, let’s do this!”
He patted me on the back before turning and pushing the door open. The inside was just as glamorous as the front. There was a long hallway and all along the walls were awards, trophies, medals, certificates, you name it. They must be good here. The ceiling was high and walls beautifully decorated. At the end of the corridor were three doors, one with a female sign on, the other with a male. And the third had ‘Staff’ printed across it. We turned at the same time and looked at each other. That was when I noticed his eyes for the first time. One was pale blue, almost grey with a hint of brown. The other was pure green. Emerald green, to be exact. And they sparkled in the light. He laughed softly and looked down.
“Well, I’ll see you in the studio” He murmured. I nodded slowly and bit my lip, struggling to keep myself from smiling so wide I’d look like the chesire cat.
“Yeah, I guess so.” I replied. I turned my back and went to walk through the wooden door into the female changing rooms. As the door swung slowly shut I heard a quiet whisper.
“Don’t be afraid.”
I smiled and went to change ready for my first ballet class.

Jasper was already changed and inside the studio when I walked in, dressed in my black leotard, tights and pink ballet shoes. He was talking to the class who were huddled round him and seemed to be immersed in every word he said. Except for one girl. She looked only a year or so older than me and she was at the back of the group, her arms crossed and had a stony expression. I immediately took a dislike to this girl. Suddenly Jasper spoke up, making me jump.
“Ah, everyone this is Summer. She’ll be joining our class and I’m sure you’ll all make her feel welcome.”
A smile flickered on his face when he said my name and I blushed. The whole class was staring at me, smiling at me, apart from one girl. Most people were nodding at smiling at me. This wasn’t as bad as I imagined it was going to be. I smiled and walked over to join the group.
“Hi.” I said nervously. A few people murmured their greetings and then the room fell silent and we turned to face Jasper.
“Good. Okay everyone split off into groups and begin your warm-ups. I’ll call you all back here in a few minutes.”
The larger group broke up into smaller groups as they wandered off into separate areas of the studio, leaving me to decide what the hell to do now. I bit my lip and was about to gather the courage to go over to one of the friendly-looking groups and ask to join them, when I heard a voice call my name.
“You can come and join our group, if you wanted?” A small girl called over. She had dark blonde hair and had a cheery smile on her face. She was standing with a rather tall girl with light brown hair and a girl with thick brown hair and a freckly face. They all looked happy to have me in their group. I took a deep breath and smiled; walked over to join them.
“Hey, I’m Belle.’ The small blonde said with a smile. I smiled back, shyly.
“This is Ginny,” She gestured to the tall, brown haired girl, who waved back at me.
“And this is April.” The girl with light brown hair and freckles nodded and smiled.
“Hey.” She said grinning. April had slightly wonky front teeth which weren’t particularly ugly. More cute if anything. They seemed as if they suited her.
“Um, hi. I’m Summer.” I said returning all their happy smiles. They seemed real nice.
“That’s a really pretty name, it really suits you. Hey, you can hang out with us if you want. Did you recently move into town? We could totally be friends! Ooh what school do you go to?” Belle just kept gushing questions and a couple of times actually seemed to answer a few. My mind started spinning a little bit.
“Whoa, hold back a little bit Belle. You’ll scare the poor girl before she’s even got to know us.” A familiar voice said behind me. I jumped and my heart started beating wildly. I swallowed and turned around. Jasper was behind us with one eyebrow raised. Belle blushed and bit her lip.
“Sorry, I tend to go on a bit.”
I laughed slightly and grinned.
“It’s okay. You seem lovely. In fact, you all do.” I told her. They all beamed at me and turned to begin their warm-up. As I went to join then I glanced at Jasper who looked over and winked at me. I had to bite my lip to hold back a smile. I turned my back on him and begun my warm-up, feeling very positive about what was to come.

It was the end of the class and I was standing with Belle, Ginny and April discussing the dance we were to begin learning in the classes to come. It had been a while since I’d felt happiness like this. In fact it had been a while since I’d had friends like this. But then again, I reminded myself, it had only been a few hours. I hoped this friendship could remain for many years and grow stronger. I also knew that I had to prove myself whilst learning this dance. I had to prove that I was a good dancer and maybe, just maybe, one day I would be cast the main part. You can only dream, I suppose.
Waiting outside the changing rooms for the others, I watched the rest of the group leaving, everyone laughing and joking with each other. In my pocket were 3 mobile numbers. Belle’s, Ginny’s and April’s. Crossing my arms, I leaned against the wall. My thoughts turned back to Jasper. I wondered how old he was and whether he had a girlfriend or a wife. He must at least have a girlfriend. I mean, how could he not? He was perfect. From his charming tousled hair to his cute mud-spattered shoes. I tried to guess how old he was. He looked no older than 30 but no younger than 20. I’d say around 25 maybe? I didn’t care how old he was, right now there was nothing I wanted more than to be with him and have his arms around me. But how could he possibly like someone as simple as the likes of me? I hung my head and stared at my beaten up Nike trainers. My hair fell in front of my face and covered it, hiding away the emotions that threatened to surface. And this was how I was known in my old town; Secretive, unsociable and forever alone. This time I wanted to be known properly. This time I want to be known for who I am now, not who I was a few years ago. I can already feel myself changing, mentally and physically. And that was because I met one man.
Suddenly the changing room door opened and made me jump. I quickly attempted to cover this by hopping onto my other foot and back again. All three girls that had just exited the changing rooms stared at me like I had lost my mind.
I smiled sheepishly. “Uh...I nearly tripped.” I mumbled awkwardly. They all grinned and laughed at the thought of this.
“Well, I guess we’ll see you in college on Monday?” April said brightly. I nodded in return.
“Yeah, I’ll see you then!” I replied. As I watched them walk away I couldn’t decide whether I was more excited or scared for my first day at a new college. I watched the door swing shut as I decided on excitement. I took one last look around the huge hallway as I picked up my rucksack slowly. I sighed as I thought of the long walk ahead of me. Maybe next week I will cycle because quite honestly, I was not looking forward to this walk and I definitely couldn’t do it twice a week in one day. Kicking the door carefully open with my foot I dug around in my bag searching for my headphones. I was shocked to find it was nearly dark already. I paused for a second to flick through my ipod and choose a suitable walking song and I was just in the process of untangling my headphones when a voice spoke behind me.
“Hi again, you okay on your own?”
I froze and felt my heart speed up. I couldn’t stop the smile that stretched from one ear to the other. Taking a deep breath I composed myself and turned. There he was, standing there. His bag swung over his shoulder and a smile on his face. A loose strand of hair fell over his eyes and he brushed it away. I suddenly found it incredibly difficult to draw in enough breath needed to speak.
“Yes,” I said, sounding very breathless. I cleared my throat. “I mean, I’m fine, thank you.”
He nodded. His smile was crooked and made me weak at the knees.
“Okay, are you walking home?” He asked taking a few steps forward, his face curious. I laughed to myself, smiling.
“Unfortunately, yes! Or I could fly I suppose?”  I smiled at him as he burst out laughing. His laugh made my stomach squirm and soon I was laughing alongside him. I didn’t even say anything particularly funny! He placed a hand on my shoulder as his laughter subdued.
“Ah bless you,” He chuckled. “I like you already.” Then smiling a crooked smile at me he winked. I smiled properly and I knew I had never felt like this in my life and in fact I haven’t felt this happy in a long time.
“How about I walk you home?” He suggested. “And perhaps next week I could drive and give you a life?”
I pretended to think over this although I had made up my mind long before he’d even asked the question.
“Sure, that’d be brilliant.” I smiled and bit my lip and he nodded at me.
“Cool.” He stared at me for a minute before stepping forward.
“Anyway, shall we?” He gestured in front. And I packed my ipod into my pocket and stepped toward him. We nodded at each other and smiled at the same time as we stared deep into each other’s eyes, reading deep into the their soul, before setting off into the darkness.
I could tell, thing’s were just going to get better from here. 

It's still obviously a work in progress and needs a lot of work but I am very happy with how this is coming along. As you can also tell I have changed the name of one of the main characters and I am still playing around with bits and pieces but I am enjoying messing about with bits of it. Can't wait to have the finished product!
Thanks for reading! :) x 

Thursday 5 April 2012

*Warning* This post may cause distress to some people. Very emotional.

Don't talk bullshit to me about how these are or are not 'suitable'. Who are you to decide what is or is not suitable? In these pictures I am simply portraying emotions. I am not saying that I have felt these emotions at all, I simply use my imagination.
If you don't like it, don't look at it. Simple. Now, if like me, you are an emotional person and can understand these emotions I have portrayed then perhaps you can appreciate these drawings. If not, go back to your life and don't try and tell me how to live mine. Thanks!

Now if you want to see the drawings, scroll down! If not, go away. Simple.

Make your decision....................Now.



This character is called 'Hazel'

This is 'May' from my recent love story after she cuts all her hair off

Here is some random pieces of art....