Sunday 2 December 2012

Frerard Fanfic

So guys, I was on omegle looking for people who shared similar weird interests as me (FRERARD AHEM) and I actually wrote this fanfic along with someone else, who is OBVIOUSLY one of the coolest people I have ever spoken too, and a few of my Instagram friends requested I show them the entire thing, sooo..HERE IT IS!! ENJOY READING GUYS AND..PREPARE THE FEEEEELS!!! XD

Stranger = Gerard
You(me) = Frank 
Stranger(Gerard): Hey frank?
You(Frank): Gerard?!
Stranger: Are you okay? You look like you've been crying?
You: No, no..I'm find Gee..I guess *sniff*
You: I'm sorry. I can't tell you...
Stranger: What.. Why?
You: *Sniff* *Wipes eye* Because it's wrong Gee. That's why. I'm sorry! I hate myself! And if I tell you, you'll hate me too. And I can't deal with that.
Stranger: Frankie, calm down. -reaches out for a hug-
You: *Blush* Don't touch me Gee! No! I can't handle it! I'm sorry, no. I have to tell you
Stranger: What the hell... Frankie?
You: But I don't know how to.
You: I'm sorry
You: Don't hate me my friend..please? Promise me!
Stranger: -forces you to hug me- just chill out, I won't hate you.
You: *Buries my face in your shoulder and cries* I'm sorry, sorry, but
Stranger: -smiles and hugs you tighter-
You: Wha-..Gerard?
You: You...You don't hate me? Why aren't you pushing me away!?
Stranger: You're my best friend, I couldn't hate you even if... Even if you were dating bert -laughs-
You: Oh Gee... *fresh tears spill down my cheeks as I hug you tighter*
You: Thank you! For not hating me
You: *Giggle slightly*
Stranger: -sits down and pulls you down with me-
You: Gee?
Stranger: Yes?
You: Nothing just..Just..You have your thinking look on
Stranger: -shakes head- just computing it..
You: You are okay though..right? Will things be different between us from now on?
You: *Bites lip worriedly*
Stranger: No, no, it won't change. -hugs you-
You: I don't want you to wake up one day and hate me for feeling like this
You: It'd kill me, if you hated me *hugs tightly*
Stranger: No, it's just a silly little crush, I'm sure it's just a phase.. -smiles and rubs your back-
You: *Shakes head sadly, a single tear escaped my eye* But I know that it's not Gee..
You: I've felt like this ever since I first met you
You: I've always loved you.. *hides face in hands*
Stranger: -pulls your hands away- just calm down. Do you want some coffee?
You: *Sigh* I guess so..thanks Gee
Stranger: Okay, I'll be right back. -makes coffee in the kitchen-
You: *Stands up and paces room alone muttering quietly to myself* Why, Why did this have to happen to me!? Why can't I feel like that about someone who isn't my best friend!? *Kicks wall in anger and cries out in pain* GODDAMIT
You: *clutches toe and stumbles back to sofa*
Stranger: -jumps and carries the coffees through, putting them on the table- are you okay? -sits next to you cradling you slightly-
You: *Rubs toe gently* I think I might have bruised my toe..I'm sorry, I'm just not very good at dealing with emotional things Gee
Stranger: -smiles- calm down or ill take to lock you up. -giggles-
You: *Giggles slightly* Okay, okay I'm calm, I promise! *Smiles at Gerard but blushe*
Stranger: -smiles and stops cuddling you-
You: *Blush furiously as I make eye contact with you* Is that the coffee? *Jump up quickly and grab the mugs, bringing them over handing yours to you*
Stranger: -smiles and giggles- thanks. -goes to take a sip completely missing my mouth-
You: Oh god *Laughs* Are you okay!? *Jumps up and dashes to get a cloth to clean up* Here, you're more clumsy than I am sometimes *I wink as I hand you the cloth and giggle*
Stranger: -smiles- thanks. Crap -tries to wipe it- I'm just going to change my pants.. -stands up-
You: *Blushes even more* Uh okay..I'll just erm..wait here I suppose
Stranger: -walks upstairs and get changed-
You: *Trying not to imagine Gerard naked-Failing*
You: *Paces around room once more, unable to sit still. The urge to go upstairs to find Gerard is strong, and I struggle to fight it*
Stranger: -comes back down a couple of minutes later- are you okay?
You: *Jumps as didn't hear you come in* Uh hey! Yeah fine totally fine!
You: You uh..clean now then?
You: *I grimaced at the awkwardness of my words*
Stranger: Yeah, yeah. I had to change my pants as well.. -shakes head and sits down, fixing hair-
You: *My breath caught in my throat as I struggled to suppress the image of Gee totally naked*
You: *Blushing I sat back down next to Gee* Oh right, cool..Gee you're hair is fine! Stop fussing! *I laughed as I tucked your hair behind your ear
Stranger: -pulls it back out and rolls eyes- dont touch my hair -smirks-
You: But babe, you're hair is so gorg- *Stops short, horrified* Oh god! I didn't mean to call you babe! I just- I! Oh gosh!!
You: I'm sorry!!
Stranger: -frowns and takes your hand- frank.. You're like bright red, and youre being really awkward.. Are you okay?
You: *Opens and closes mouth like a fish, unable to get any words out* I - I just - I..I'm fine *I sighed*
Stranger: -giggles and fixes hair- just try to chill out, yeah?
You: *Sighs again* Fine, okay. Hey, leave your hair!! *Pokes you jokingly*
Stranger: -pokes your stomach- no!
You: *Giggles hard*No! You know I'm ticklish! * Pokes you back and ruffles your hair, grinning wickedly*
Stranger: Touch my hair again, ill kill you. -smirks-
You: *Widen my eyes* Oh really? Watcha gonna do? *I stand up in front of you and quickly ruffle your hair, laughing*
Stranger: -stands up and tickles you-
You: *Giggles hard* Aha, no Gee!! Stop! *Step backwards and trip on the coffee mug that was abandoned earlier on after you spilt coffee everywhere* *Laughing as I pulled you down with me*
Stranger: -giggles at you and continues to tickle you, knowing youre okay-
You: Geeee! Aha, no stooop! I'm gonna--suffocate--of--lack----of breath! *Forcing out the words as my sides ached*
You: *Roll over so that I'm on top, straddling you* Hah! Now I have you!
Stranger: -smiles and turns head away-
You: *I smile slightly* Oh I'm sorry Gee, do you find this awkward? *giggle slightly*
You: *Roll off you, so we're lying next to each other*
Stranger: -sits on your stomach and fixes my hair-
You: *Giggle underneath you* If you don't stop touching your hair, I'm gonna cut it all off!
Stranger: -rolls eyes and grabs your jaw gently- you dare...
You: *Raise my eyebrows* What?
Stranger: If you do ill... Lock you up and put you in my closet.
You: TH
You: The closet you're hiding in, you mean? *wink at you*
Stranger: -fixes hair- I'm not hiding in any closet. -strikes and overly camp pose-
You: *I laugh at you* Course not Geee, course not! *Look at you pointedly*
You: *Brush my hair out of my face as I compose myself after your tickling torture*
Stranger: -get off you and stand up, offering out a hand-
You: *Takes your hand and stands up, but once standing doesn't let go of your hand*
Stranger: -sits down on the sofa, pulling you onto my lap and cuddling you like a baby- aw frankie-boo.. -smirks-
You: *Giggle into your chest* Shu-up GeeBear! *Sigh as I breathe in your sweet scent*
Stranger: -messes up your hair-
You: Noooo Gee! No! Don't go there again *I grin and Poke you're nose*
Stranger: -sticks tounge out-
You: *Sticks tongue out back*
You: *Look down, as an urge to kiss you arose suddenly*
Stranger: -looks down too, noticing a hole in the bottom of your top-
You: *I frown* I don't remember that being there this morning...
You: Gee you tore a hole in my shirt!
Stranger: It's only small.. -sticks my finger through and pokes you-
You: *Lets out a sharp giggle from the poke*
You: You poked a hole while you were viciously tickling me! You monster! *Poking you back, drawing you closer*
Stranger: -puts you down on the sofa- drama queen.
You: *I huff slightly* I'm not a drama queen!
Stranger: -ruffles your hair-
You: *Huff* No! *Ruffle your hair harder*
Stranger: -ruffles your hair again- stop.
You: No. Watcha gonna do? Tickle me to death again? *I run my fingers through your hair, making it stick out slightly*
You: *I giggle*
Stranger: Ill squish you.. -smirks and fixes hair-
You: Woah! Watch out everyone! We got a squisher in here! *I smirked, brushing my hair down also*
Stranger: You callin' me fat? -pouts, trying not to smile-
You: *Look horrified* No!! Not at all bab- Uh Gee! I didn't!
Stranger: You totally are.. -giggles-
You: No no! You're not fat! You're skinny, and cute! You're perfect. *I stopped, horrified. I looked down quickly.* I'm sorry!
You: I'll stop talking now..
Stranger: -rolls eyes- just block out all of the bad thoughts about you having a little crush on me.
You: *Sighs* I'm trying! *Under my breath I muttered*-Harder then it looks, y'know
Stranger: -smiles and looks at the floor-
You: *Looks at you silently* You okay, Gee?
Stranger: -looks up at you- huh?
You: I said you okay? You smiled, but it wasn't a normal Gee smile, it was a sad one
Stranger: I just want you to be happy and feel good around me, but.. Well you know..
You: *I take your hand in mine gently* Gee, I do feel good around you, and I am happy when I'm with you! In fact I am happiest when I'm with you! It's hard, me feeling like this about you but there's nothing I can do, and nothing you can do, so I have to try to get over it, but realise it'll take me a while..Okay?
You: *I bent down and looked into your sad eyes*
Stranger: -smiles- i know frankie, come here.. -reaches out for a hug-
You: Okay good, *Hugs you tightly* Things'll be okay, I promise, *Stroking your hair softly*
Stranger: -pulls you back onto the sofa- how about some tv?
You: Sure, *switch tv on and snuggle down*
Stranger: -distances myself from you-
You: *I stare at you for a minute with wide eyes but decide to say nothing. I look down with sad eyes*
Stranger: -looks up at the tv, smiling lightly-
You: *I shake my head slightly, Gee confuses me* Whats funny?
Stranger: Hm? -turns to you-
You: You're smiling! *Pointing at his face* whats funny?
Stranger: Nothing.. -smiles at you-
You: Wha- *Baffled look* I don't understand you sometimes Gee!
Stranger: -stands up- ill be right back.
You: Uh..Okay..*Watched in confusion as you left the room*
Stranger: -comes back with a blanket putting it over you-
You: Wha- Uh thank you? *I stared at you as you sat back down, I was so confused*
Stranger: -crawls under and cuddles up to you-
You: *I lie there, in shock as I take in what's happening..Why was Gee sending me mixed emotions!?* I put my arms round him and cuddled him close
Stranger: -giggles-
You: *I look at you suspiciously* What Gee? *I giggle slightly, his breath tickled my nose*
Stranger: -slips down and rests my head on your chest-
You: *By now, I was so confused, but I was just going with it* *I pulled him in tighter to me as I snuggled in close and rest my head on the top of his*
Stranger: -puts my hand on your stomach- i wish I was more like you.. -smiles-
You: What? *Gently I rest my hand on your cheek* What do you mean?
Stranger: -shakes head- i don't know..
You: *I stare out you in concern* Explain to me, Gee? Please?
Stranger: You're just.. A perfect friend..
You: *I laughed slightly* Really? I think you are a perfect friend're here even after everything I told you..I think that makes you the most amazing friend ever!
Stranger: -sits up and fixes hair- you know, it wasnt that hard to accept it.
You: What do you mean?
Stranger: Well, its like me saying I love carrots, it doesn't change anything. It's just there.
You: Oh..*I looked away sadly, I had to stop hoping*
Stranger: -smiles and holds your hand-
You: *Smile slightly, but continue to look away, secret tears building up inside*
Stranger: -frowns and pulls your face towards me- frank, youre better than a boyfriend. You're all I need. Stop being so down.
You: *I bit my lip* It's just so hard Gee! So hard! It's so horribly hard to love someone and know that they'll never love you, and that they can never be together! It's so horrible! *I wiped my eyes quickly, so you didn't notice I was crying again*
Stranger: -kisses your cheek- calm..
You: *I open my mouth to say something but decide against it, Instead I grab your face in my hands and kiss your forehead hard and then pull away and lie back down, staring at the ceiling*
Stranger: -smiles- I'm sorry it
Stranger: If its frustrating.
You: *Smile sadly* It is *silent tear rolls down my cheek but I don't both wiping it away*
Stranger: -sighs and stares at you-
You: I'm sorry Gee..I'm just being stupid
Stranger: -wipes your cheek with my hand-
You: *Close my eyes and breathe out for a second to calm myself*
Stranger: -strokes your face-
You: *I freeze* Gee.. *I whisper*
Stranger: Yeah?
You: I- actually no it- I just- *I growled in frustration, before taking your face back into my hands and staring into your eyes and sighing* I don't know anymore..
Stranger: -grabs your hands- youre winding yourself up.. Calm down.
Stranger: -grabs your hands- youre winding yourself up.. Calm down.
You: *stroke your face gently staring into your eyes silently* 'Kay..
Stranger: -smiles and looks over your face-
You: *Suddenly I couldn't take it anymore, I pulled you in close and kissed you gently on the lips, my stomach did flips. I pulled away and turned over*
Stranger: -sighs and hugs you from behind-
You: *My body was shaking slightly from my crying as I struggled to hold in my emotions, sniffing gently I closed my eyes*
Stranger: -hugs you tightly- I'm sorry frankie..
You: 'S not your fault *Sniffing*
Stranger: -sits up-
You: Gee?
Stranger: Hmm?
Stranger: Hmm?
You: Whats up? I're kinda confusing me a little *rubbing my eyes*
Stranger: I'm just trying to make you comfortable, I mean.. I don't know weather to hug you or leave you alone.
You: *Sits up to join him* Sorry Gee, I just- Confusing me a little, y'know, cause sometimes you come across, you like me?
Stranger: -smiles a little and hugs you tightly-
You: *Hugs you back tightly* to me! Tell me how you're feeling! Cause I don't understand!
Stranger: -giggles into your shoulder-
You: Gee!
Stranger: -kisses your cheek and watches tv-
Stranger: -smirks-
You: *stares, stunned at you, a million thoughts racing through my mind* G-Gee?
Stranger: -looks at you, smiling wildley-
You: *I stare at you for a few minutes trying to figure you out*
Stranger: What?
You: *Smiling gently* Just..tryna figure out what you're thinking
Stranger: I'm thinking, we could order in..
You: O-order? Huh?
You: Y-you mean like..Pizza?
Stranger: -nods-
You: I-I suppose we could!..Do you wanna order in? Sounds nice!
Stranger: -grabs the phone and a few menus- where do you want to order from-
You: *Scratching my head slightly* Um, I don't mind, *picking a random menu* Here?
Stranger: -nods and dials the number- what do you want?
You: *staring into distance* Um, don't mind, just a vegetable supreme pizza I guess
Stranger: -nods and places order-
You: *Fiddles with hair slightly* Cool!
Stranger: -lays down with my head on your thighs-
You: *Sits up and holds your head in my hands* Ok, Gee cmon, I am lost now! Really lost! Please talk to me about what you're feeling!
Stranger: You're my best friend. That's all, okay?
You: *I looked away and bit my lip* Okay, Gee. it's just I'm getting confused cause you're sending me all these mixed signals
Stranger: What do you mean, like this? -kisses you on the lips and sits up-
You: *I gasp slightly* Yes! Like that Gee! Stop mind fucking me! Please
Stranger: -giggles-
You: *Grab your face in my hands and pulls you in real close* Gee!! Seriously!
Stranger: -smiles stupidly-
You: *I couldnt take it anymore, I pulled your face close to mine and our lips touched together*
Stranger: -smiles under your lips-
You: *My tummy flipped and I held the back of your head gently, drawing out the kiss*
Stranger: -pulls back-
You: *I gasped slightly* are we still just best friends and nothing more?
Stranger: -nods and looks down biting lip-
You: *stunned, I stared at you* What!
Stranger: We are just friends frankie.
You: *I gasped again* But-I'm sorry what?! How can you say that after you kissed me!?
Stranger: It's just a kiss.
You: Why did you kiss me back then? and you smiled! Whilst we were kissing!
Stranger: -smiles and looks down-
You: *I stood up* Dammit Gee! stop playing games with me!
Stranger: -looks up at you-
You: Please?
Stranger: -looks down- sorry.
You: *Instantly I felt bad, I knelt down* Listen Gee, I love you, and you come across that you have feelings for me too? Are you too scared to tell me? what is it?
Stranger: -crosses arms and looks away-
You: Gee? *I put my hand on his arm*
Stranger: -looks at you-
You: Well?
Stranger: -closes eyes are turns head away- i cant..
You: Cant what? Please Gee..tell me
Stranger: I really, really like you. -clenches fists-
You: *I held my breath* So, what's the problem? Gee?
Stranger: You're my best friend.. -strokes your face-
You: *I close my eyes and sigh* I know Gee..but I'd love for us to be more than just friendd
You: s?
You: *I stroke his face too*
Stranger: -looks down- more than friends is just too much.
You: But Gee... I love you? *Goddamit I was crying again*
Stranger: Shh-shh please don't cry frankie. -avoids touching you-
You: No Gee! Because this is so hard! You've just told me you like me but cant be with me! It hurts so much!
Stranger: -looks down- *theres a knock on the door*
You: *Jumps up* probably the pizza
You: dyou wanna get it?
Stranger: -stands up and wipes your cheeks, before wondering off to get the door-
You: *while you were away I punched a cushion in frustration. I loved him so much.*
Stranger: -walks back in and drops the pizzas on the table-
You: Are you hungry?
Stranger: -shakes head-
You: *I bit my lip slightly* me either..*grinned a little*
Stranger: -smiles, walks back out of the front room-
You: *I held my face in my hands and cried a little before sanding up and following you*
You: **standing
Stranger: -looks behind me- I'm going to the toilet, nothing exiting.
You: *Ifroze* Gee..please be okay?
Stranger: Walks into the toilet and locks the door-
You: *I dont know why but I had a bad feeling..something was very wrong. I walked up to the toilet door and knocked* Gee? Gee!
Stranger: -sighs-
You: I'm not leaving.
Stranger: -sits in there-
You: *I slide down the door so Im sitting* Gee, I need you..okay? Dont do anything silly..I couldnt live without you! I LOVE YOU GEE
Stranger: Don't say that.
You: Why? its true.
You: iloveyouiloveyouiloveyouILOVEYOU I LOVE YOU!
Stranger: -kicks the door and stays quiet-
You: Don't tell you me you dont feel anything for me too! Dont tell me you dont feel the same!
Stranger: -opens the door and slams you against the wall- stop.
You: Stop what? Stop this? *I kissed you again on the lips passionately*
Stranger: -pushes your face against the wall- control yourself before I leave completely.
You: *I push you back, with tears streaming down my cheeks* No Gee! You stop it! I just dont understand you!
Stranger: I-I'm sorry.. -bites lip-
You: *I turned away and slid down until I was lying curled up still crying*
Stranger: -sits down beside you, rubs your back and tears up-
You: I just dont know Gee..What do you want from me?
You: What ca I do to make this any better for you?
Stranger: Do whatever /you/ want....
You: What do YOU want me to do Gee? *I sit up and hold him tightly*
You: I want to make you feel better
Stranger: -shivers- i don't know..
You: *Hold you closer* Cause I will do whatever you want me to do Gee..I love you *i whispered*
Stranger: -kisses your cheek-
You: Do you love me, Gee?
Stranger: -pauses and nods-
You: *Biting my lip, I stroked your face*
You: *Tears rolled down my face, but they weren't sad tears anymore*
Stranger: -sits in front of you, puts my hand on your knee-
You: I need you Gee,,I need you to live
You: Dont be scared, because I'm here with you, we can make this work *i kiss your cheek*
Stranger: -puts my hands on your thighs and leans forward, whispering- I'm sorry.
You: *wrap my arms around your neck* What for, baby?
Stranger: Everything, -kisses you-
You: But its okay now Gee..everythings going to be find, because we're together right?
Stranger: -nods slowly-
You: We are? *I smiled and kissed you* Gee, *I whispered*-Ilove you
Stranger: -puts my hand on your chest-
You: I promise, I'll take care of you Gee
You: I'll never let anyone hurt you, I promise
Stranger: -rests my arms across your lap and stares are you- i love you.
You: *I smiled at youwidely* I love you too..So much Gee *I kiss you while I cried sweet tears of joy.

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